Sunday, June 30, 2013

If He calls you to it...

Dear Friends,
I think many of you know of my involvement with Eban Project--a non-profit dedicated to bringing love and hope to Ghana's orphaned and vulnerable children (and those that love them).  I am the (volunteer) Executive Director and co-founder for our U.S. branch.  Our Ghana branch has been functioning for several years.
I'm so thankful that the Lord has allowed me to continue "working" in Ghana in a way that is more healthy for my family and, hopefully, more productive for the people of Ghana.  One of my fears when I left my adoption work last Autumn was that there would be no more opportunity to minister to the people who are always so heavy on my heart and mind.
I know that I am intended to do this work, because I am reminded each night as a sleep.  Not hardly a night goes by when I don't dream about being in a place where there are children in desperate circumstances, somehow waiting for things to be made better for them.  Sometimes I'm supposed to get food for them.  Sometimes we are running from danger.  Sometimes these children are coming to live with me.  Sometimes I'm simply drying their tears (and hiding my own).  God has called me to NEVER FORGET about the children on this world who don't have enough protection.  I hope that doesn't make me sound like I'm trying to be a super-hero.  It's not a burden I want to bare sometimes.  But like I said, He reminds me each night in my dreams that this is a burden I AM to bare.  He has called me to it.  I dare not walk away from it.
Now the time has come when I, and my EP co-founder Brandi, need to go to Ghana.  We need to establish new partnerships in order to better protect the vulnerable.  We need to revamp some current projects so they can be as meaningful as possible to both the children and the donors who support them.  We need to identify a site for the foster home and rehabilitation center soon to be developed in the Upper West region.  We need to deliver gifts of love to sponsored children, and give love to those who are as yet unsponsored.  This, and so much more.
Brandi and I prayed diligently, and we feel that the time to go is now.  More specifically, 2 weeks at the beginning of August.  In faith, we purchased tickets with personal funds we do not have, because we feel that the Lord has said the funding we will come.  Could we be wrong?  Absolutely.  We are imperfect human beings.  But we walk forward in faith.  Our estimated expenses are as follows:
Airfare: $4000
Hotel:  $1500
Transportation: $1500 (includes cross-country trip to Upper West)
Food: $600
TOTAL: $7600
As of right now we have raised about $2200.  Praise God!  In addition, Brandi and I are doing our own fundraisers to help offset the cost as much as possible.  We have 4 weeks to raise the remaining $5500.  $1375 a week.  $196 per day.  It is a GOD-SIZED endeavor to be sure!
WE NEED YOUR HELP.  If He calls you to it...
We simply cannot do this without the blessing and help of those who support the mission of Eban Project.  This is NOT about us getting a free trip to Ghana.  This is about being on the ground so that we can establish or build-up that which will free Ghana's vulnerable populations from the bondage of their poverty.  Not only financial poverty, but educational poverty, physical poverty, psychological poverty and spiritual poverty.  Ultimately, we pray that by traveling, the work of Eban Project will be greatly expanded so that the funds used to travel will be paid back to the people of Ghana ten-fold.
I ask for your blessing in the coming weeks, in these specific ways:
1.  Pray that the Lord might send the right people in our path, those that He intends to help provide for the cost.  Whether that is $10 or $1000, that they are equally blessed in His eyes.
2.  Consider forwarding this message on through your blog or FB page, or through personal email.  We cannot all give financially all the time, but maybe you can give a small gift of time.
3.  Consider making a (tax-deductible) donation of ANY amountCLICK HERE.  Remember the loaves and fishes?  No gift is too small to be a blessing.  When you make a gift, consider sharing that on FB or your blog, not as a boast, but as an encouragement to others that their gift is worthy as well.
4.  Last but not least, pray that when we are in Ghana, His work would be accomplished in a mighty way.  Pray that hearts are prepared in a mighty way, and that paths will be made open to us, all for His glory.